Saturday, December 6, 2014

Nerd Libs

This linky provided by Getting Nerdy With Mel & Nerdy. These girls are near and dear to my heart. I love a good sense of humor! They came up with a fantastic and fun blog linky: Saturday Nerd Libs! I'm so pumped!

I feel compelled to explain a bit. First and foremost I am a stay at home mom to three little wonders ages 5, 3 and 1. That does not give me a lot of "spare" time during the day. So you bet your bottom dollar the first thing I do is make coffee! I wasn't a huge coffee drinker until a couple of years ago... not sure why! 
Peppa Pig, you ask? Well if you ask my son HE is Peppa Pig and his little sister is George. If you aren't familiar with Peppa Pig, she is an adorable British Pig on Nick Jr. 
And maybe you are wondering what the Peel P50 is. Or maybe you didn't care until I brought it up just now. Either way, I hope you watch the following video that encapsulates the hilarity that is "Peel P50": 

Happy Saturday!! 

Yours Truly,